1 -j-- v3 tiX-rsf n--jfr 4 i THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. APRIL 28. 1901. i RAILROAD ST. LOCI3 ST.
LOUS TIME. and Departure of Train at Union Station. Dallv. JtSaturday and Sunday tDally except Sunday, a only. ounaay only.
ijExcept jjonaay. JtSaturday only. Dally except Saturday. imin- piiwm d. o.
s-w. n. it. Train. Depart.
Cincinnati. Louisville. Wash Arrive. ington, iiaiuiuorc rnuauei-lilua and New York Kipn Cincinnati. Louisville.
Wafchinston, Baltimore. Philadelphia and Xew York Katt Mail Cincinnati Accommodation Cincinnati. Louisville. Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York lloyal ltluc Limited l-'lora Accommodation Accommodation West Baden and I'rerch Lick Sprlncs.
via Motion am M2: pm pm am am inn pm am am urn pm mn four. LAKE SHORE. NEW YOUK CENTltAL AND IiUDbOX K1VEK. BOSTON AND ALBANY AND CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. Train.
Dtpart. Aiilvi. Indianapolis Express a 0:31 jm -New ork and lloston Limited Si am "as-ipm KnlcKetliocki- special Votk. U.ifton. Washington.
and 11 in fi.lj pm Maltoun and Alton Accommodation 14:30 pm r)pni Uoslon. Ntvv York. Cincinnati, Want'icton. 'ialtlmote anil Philadelphia pm Alton-Leaves 10:30 a. p.
in. Arrives iH-M a. 1:45 p. m. Saturdaj only leaves n.
arrives 4:10 p. m. buiu.i.mjton noiTG-cxtox STATION. Train. Vr Ilannlhal.
JL St. points-, Qulncy, Keokuk Depart. Arrive. J. and isurimsiun Local to Hannibal 1'or Qulney and North For Si.
Paul. Minneapolis, via Kan Side lines, Illinois and am pm ISIain 'XSOpm Wisconsin The Burlln-tcn-Nonhern Pacific Express, for Kansas City, St. Joseph, Nebraska. Blurt. Hills.
IV) 0-niinc. Montana. WaOitngtcn. nipei souna. l'ortianu anu Orepon Tw In City Express, for Mlnne-8oollf.
St. I'aul and Iowa The Nebraska-Colorado Kx- fress. for Denver, Colorado, "tnli and Pacific Coast, via St. Joerh Local to Burllnjncn Fcr Noithern Ion St. I'aul and Minneapolis Tor Illinois, via Kan Side line tn Mttf Ilintl pm 1:03 pm 2:0 pm 1:03 pm pm 7:40 pm am "7:40 pm 116:55 am pm am For Dubuque and La Crosse.
pm am t-cr Kansas tiiy. council niuffr. Omaha. St. Joseph.
IVnver. Nebraska, Colorado. Utah and Pacific Coast :19 am Local from Hannibal llrtuam For Alton Leave a. m. daily: a.
dallv: moo a. daily: 5:00 p. except Sunday: p. except Sunday: 5:51 daily: p. dally; p.
Arrive, reorla, Pekln. Grafton and Chouteau Slcugh "8:14 am "7:30 pm Sprlnefleld and Grafton 4:56 pm "10:55 am Chouteau Slouch and Grarton. Springfield and Gralton 16:45 pm "10:55 am CHICAGO," ALTON "AXD ST. LOUIS BY. Train Depart.
Alton Limited for ChicaCo am "6:59 pm ci If fln 1'aiace r.xpres "Mldnlrht "7i am -Prairie State Ex- Prairie State Ex- tl2rtl sm ri-icaso press" Peoria press Kartas City 'Limited-' '10U0 pm "7S am "Missouri state press Strinxneld Accommodation "53 pm "10:14 am Hrlmtileld Local am Jacksonville 110 am COTTOX" BELT. nriir.a ST. LOUIS SOUTHU'ESTERN JIAILWAT.) Train, rlatsas and Texas Express ia Bismarck and Delta) Arl snsas and Texas Fast Mall (via Ulsmarck and Depart. Arrive. 8:00 am 7:15 pm S57 pm 00 am II.
Jt ST. L. RY. (Hendemon Itontr.) Train. Depart.
Arrive. Fast Mall-Owensbcro, Clover- tort. Louisville and the Eat 8:18 am ".:16 pm Eastern Express Ouensboro, Cloverport, Louisville and the East -j pm "7:20 am SOUTHER3T RAILWAY. ST. LOUIS-LOUISVILLE LINES.
Train. Depart. Arrive. Louisville Express Centralis. Mount Movnt Car mel.
Princeton, Louisville. Vashlnrtol. Philadelphia and New York "8:08 am Mount Vernon Accommodation pm 18:04 am Floitda Limited, to Louisville. Lexington, Chattanooga, At-lanta and Jacksonville, 3 :15 pm "7:04 am IHOX'MOCNTAIJf. Train.
Depart. Arrive. Texas Fast Mall to Little Reck, Tcianuma. uaiias. Fort Worth and Abilene am Delta.
Columbus and Cairo Express "1:00 am Fast Day Express. Hot Springs. Dallas. Fort Worth. Austin.
San Antonio, Houston and Galveston 2:21 Pm St. Louis and Hot Springs Express "7:10 pm Texas. Mexico and California Special Dallas. Fort Worth. El Paso, Loa Ar.Reles.
Galveston, San Antonio and Laredo "8:15 pm 7:35 pm 7:13 pm 4:35 pm 8:16 am Memrnis express -iai in foURTH STREET AND CHOUTEAU AvENUK STATION. De Boto and Bismarck Accommodation pm "7:00 am ILLINOIS CEKTRAL Northern Lines. Train. Depart. Arrive.
Northern Illinois Express iprintrfleld, Frcepert and Du- buque "tiMam Peoria and Sprint-field 11U am "7:10 pm Chicago Daylight Special "USOam "730 pm tprlnrfleld Accommodation "1:43 pm "10:46 am Chicago Diamond Special 3:10 pm "724 am soutnera uses Train. Faducah Mall and Express Murphysooro, Carbondale and Mat Ion Hew Orleans Fast Mail Cairo. Memphis, Jackson, and Texas Express: Nashville, Atlanta and Jacksonville St. Louis Special Cairo. Memphis and New Orleans Accommodation Murphyeboro, Marlon, Cairo, Sparta and Chester Accommodation Murpbysboio.
Marlon and Creal 8prir.E.... JJew Orleans Limited Cairo. Dixie Flyer. Nashville, Atlanta and Depart. Arrive.
"7:14 pm "8:36 am 4:36 am 14:50 pm 4:50 pm "7:24 pm 5:16 pm 111:22 am 11:21 am 10:15 pm 6:31 am ST. L. sv. R. R.
ST. LOUIS LINE." Train. Depart. Arrive. Union Express (dally) 5:01 or.i im ST.
LOUIS-PEORIA LI.MS. (See C. P. ft St. Train.
Depart. Arrive. Mall and Express 17:10 am 111:10 pm Mall and Express pm AMATEUR ACTOR SHOT WHILE ON THE STAGE Accidentally Killed by Companion, Who Used Loaded Revolver by Mistake. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Bristol.
April 27. While local tal-nt was presenting the plar "Cast Upon the as a feature of tbe closing exercises of tbe Stanley McCormlck School at Bumsvllle; If. Friday night, R. X. Mclnturff, a young; man.
'was shot and instantly killed. The shot was fired by Baccus Bailey: Both young; men were participating; in the 'play. Mclnturff had drawn a knife, as If In the: act of stabbing Bailey. The latter was. In accordance with the plot, to use a revolver loaded with blank cartridzes.
By mistake he gut possession of a loaded revolver, which resulted In the tragic death of Mclnturff, who was bis friend and room-, soate. WATTERSON TO BRYAN. Kentucky Editor Takes a Peep at Nebraskan's Future. MPUBLIC SPECIAL. April 27.
"Mr. Bryan and WU Futara" Is the 'caption, of the leading; aaaefirtal which will anneal In the Courier- stauday from the pen bt Mr. Henry x. it is nts commenc upon un a'a announeasaent that he will fla piMldency no more. Mr.
"Watter- axm It la eirr early to say whether Mr. Brjan Is a aeaiaanaa a. saoial nalloaociher: a nreacher ttarty leaaer; a Democrat or a Socialist, gjiaiiraij aaa been so lU-denned of lata tears IM cossraonaiity or uemocracy nave (onen asiaa-sMaastlMi. albeit not wholly tsaa trail. It la milta eprtaim that If.
Mr. 1rvan ts be a avsetol force la the arena of -Demo TIME TABLE. TIME. MOBILES ASD OHIO. Train.
Depart. Arrive. Southern Special 7am St. Louis and Florid Limited. KU Louis and Florida Limited.
pm 1:08 am Murphytboro, 6parta. Chester and Percy pm 111:15 am UISSOVRI-: PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trcln. Depart. Arrive.
last Mall 2S pro 1-cal Expres 7: am 'ia Kansas City. St. Joseph, Oma- ha and Southern Kansas Ex- press J)m Washlnatun 15:13 pm 17:55 am St. Joseph. Joplln, Wichita and Karras Limited, daily i20nm Kansas nnd Colorado Exprcsa.10:IOpm 7:10 am Ocve Coenr Lake trains leave Union Station at 0:00 a.
9:13 a. p. p. m. O.ik Hill trains lave Union Station at 16:13 a.
110:10 n. 13:00 p. m. and 16:10 p. m.
Klrkwood trains leave Union Station at a. t.i.. p. m. 4:10 p.
ami 10:13 p. m. Leave vandeventer Avenue Station at 111:10 a. m. Dallv.
Trains Nes. 21 and 21. Xsw lork. Philadelphia, llaltlmore Depatt. Arrive.
end HiFhlnetnn Irdlarapolls rnd N'w Yoik Lccal 8:04 am pm New York Umltfl 1:00 pra 12:51 pm Ccluirbus and Eastern Kvotess "7:12 am vttcaiin Accommodation "suspm I.Milr.r Epplls and New York Lxprers Fast Mall 'IMOnm am FRISCO LINE. Train. Depart, Valley Park 17:10 am Vallev Park 28:30 am Valley l'ark 19:00 am Texas and Kansas Mall for Carthace. Wichita. Arkansas City.
Oklahoma, Dallas. Gainesville and Fort Worth 'SMS am Pacific Accommodation 11:10 pm Valley Park 1:50 pm Vallev Park rselfle Accommodation 15:24 rim Arrive. 110:30 am 8:15 am 11.15 pm SUWpm am 5:53 pni 17:43 am Texas Limited (vestlbuled). fcr Eureka Sorings, Fort Smith, Dallas. Greenville.
Ennls. Corslcana. Houston. Galveston. Austin and Ban Antonio "8:30 pm Western Express for Vlnlta, Denlson.
Sherman. Oklahoma, Carthage. Joplln, Wich-lta. Bunion and the pm L. Jb N.
R. R. Train. Depart. Southern Limited 4:15 pm 7:30 am 725 am Arrive.
1:30 pm fast Mail Evansvuie, jvas.i-xille. Birmingham. Montgomery. Chattanooga. Atlanta.
Moblie. New Orleans and Jacksonville. Fla "8:18 am "7:16 pm Southern Express to Evans-vllle Nashville. Birmingham. Mobile, New Orleans, Thom-asvillu.
Jacksonville. Palat- xa. ucata ana lit. Petersburg, 13 pm "7:20 am ST. LOUIS AND HANNIBAL.
TraIn. Depart. Arrive. Peoria. Pekln.
Springfield. Grafton and Chouteuu Slough "7:30 pm Springfield ana Grafton "4:56 pm 10:55 am Ecris. Corslcana, Austin. San Antonio, Houston and Galveston pm am western Express for Vlnlta. Denlson, Sherman.
Okta- homa. Carthage, Joplln. Wichita. Burton and the west "721am ST. LOUIS MERCHANTSrinjIilTAND TERMINAL RAILWAY SUBURBAN TRAIN SERVICE.
Eastbound Leave Eighth and Gratiot streets, except Sunday. 4:04. 7:27, 8:51. 10:05, 11:18 a. 1:42.
2:46, 4:00. 5:10. :25. p. m.
Saturday and Sunday only 11:41 p. m. Sunday 7:34. 10:12 a. ItlL 11:11 p.
m. Leave Washington aver.ue. except Sunday. 48, 621, 7:41. 8:55.
MM. 1123 a. 1:44. 4:04. 5:14.
629. p. m. Saturday and Sunday only 11:45 p. m.
Sunday only 527, 7:38. 10:16 a. 525. 11:45 p. ai.
Westbound Leave Granite City, except Sunday. .7:89, 21. 10:42 a. 1:10. 2:12, 223, 4:33, :00.
:12, p. m. Saturday only 4:30 p. m. Sunday only 12:15, 3:53.
926 a. 1:03. 6KB p. m. Leave Madison, except Sunday.
3:1. 7:04. 8:12. 3.22. 10:10 a.
1:13. 1:17, 4:40. M7. 7:17, 321 p. in.
Saturday only 4:56 p. m. Sunday only 12:20. :00. a.
ir07, s-M p. m. TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS AND WESTERN. (Clover Leaf Route.) Train.
Depart. Arrive. flic Ccmmerclal Traveler" Ir.dtaii.'ipolls. Toledo, Buffalo and New "7:26 pm am Toledo and New Totk Express. am :30 pm Ramsey Accommodation 6:00 pm am K.
A T. Trala. Jerrerson City. Sedalla. Fert Scott.
Depart. Arriva. Indian Territory and Texas Express "The Katv Fiver" for Dallas. 0:15 am pra Fort Worth. Houston.
Galveston. 8an Antonio. Mexico City and intermediate nolnts. 8:22 pm :27 am eurreun uiumD, uoon- vllle, Sedalla, Kansas. Indian Territory and Texas :45 pm Missouri.
Kansas. Indian Ter- rltorj- and Oklahoma pm am WABASH. Eastern Llaea. Train. ContlnenUl Limited Detroit.
Nlsgara Falls Buffalo, New York and Boston Tcledo. Detroit. Niagara Falls. Buffalo. New York and Boston' Express Toledo.
New Tork and Boston 3'ait Mall Midnight Limited Detroit, Depart. Arrive. 9:00 am 7:15 pm 129 pm 7:15 am 2:15 am am Bunaio. isew xora ana uos "1120 pm 1U nm- Tclelc Local Express "720 am CMeaaro Llae. Banner Express Chicago "1:40 am Banner Limited Chicago Mldnlfht Limited-Chicago pm Fast 2all Chicago 2:45 am Kaaaas City Kansas City Express Kitnsas City Fast Mall "2:15 pm Kitnsas City Limited "10:15 pm Nortaweafera Llaca.
6:48 pm 7:15 am "7:56 am (:50 am Pattonftburr Express IM fttn l.flT mm. Cannon Ball Omaha ,20 pm "7:00 am am pm am Ottumwa ana ues Homes Ex- liress f. "9MX1 aitumvva ana Dei Moines Llm Red 7:30 Local Trains. tst Moberlv and Kansas Cltv Local 7:40 am 6:50 pm Mcberly Local "5:05 East Decatur Local 4:15 pra 11:10 am pm am Sabarbaa Tralaa From Union Station St. Charles l-m nm Klilocb Park Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Feiguson Ferguson (Thursday From Olive Street Station At.
Charlea or. iiiunc. 14:15 pm ,.3:48 420 pm pm pm 8:40 pm 11:30 ..11:00 "UIS ..1:85 aaaa AVW kUI am pra am am 10 pm 17:80 am 16:10 pm Btiageton Brldgeton Ferguson Klnloch Park Fetguson Feiiruson (Saturday only) Fetgusua am pre 1020 am pm 23:35 pm pm 7:48 pm 25:45 11:10 120 pm "jaipm cratic politics he moat pull himself together ana get down to business from the nlgtt horse of mere Idealistic sentiment be has been riling: aad that If we are to have a Democracy of the old order, unterrllied and undented, yet equal to things real, tbe entire opposition to rndlcated Government, as embortlJ by tbe republicans, mast be united under tnuCer banners and be marshaled upon surer around. In a word, be, and tbt 'est of us, must get down to facta. He must devote himself to the future rehahlll tatlan, not the fut-jm division, of Ms party.
lie mutt not nurse illusions. He must not split halts. Ra must set himself to the healing of wounds, the mending of fences, 'the combining of lorre. If ha sets tip fcr alprphet. flod help him! Because In that rent God cnly can.
He should rather recur to Klnglnks-s line illustration ot Louis Napoleon and apply tt to himself, 'an aeronaut who his twice fallen from the and i la still in some measuro BARRED OUT OF MISSOURI. Manhattan Insurance Company Ordered to Suspend Business. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Jefferson City, April ST. Superintendent of the Insurance Department Bd.
T. Orear. Saturday notified the Manhattan Fire Insurance Company of New Tork City to, suspend business In Missouri, until the impairment of Its capital stock shall be made good. A recent examination of the affairs or this company shows, that its capital stock ot 2500.000 is Impaired to the extent of Kearra Caafeasea Harder. REPUBLIC SPECIAL.
Weatherford. April 27. The preliminary examination of Louis Woodward and George Ogleany; negroes, charged with the murder of Thomas H. Pemberton in this rlty two weeks ago. was concluded Saturday.
Both defendants were held to the Grand Jury without bond. Woodward made a full confession of the crime, giving every detail leading up to the killing, and offered nothing in defense, saying it was done solely for robbery; Fatally Iwjar4t'y a Male. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. April 27. J.
M. Reeves, a wealthy farmer, was kicked. by a mule and fatally injured at Campbell Saturday. MISSOURI FRATERNAL CONGRESS TO MEET. Executive Committee Will Present Plans for General Society Building at World's Fair.
The Missouri Fraternal Congress will hold Its nest regular meeting in the office of Past President W. H. Miller, room 407 building. Ninth and Pine streets, on Tuesday, April 30. 1501.
at -W3 P. m. At this time tho Executive Committee, which litis had several meeings, will present a comprehensive scheme for erecting a fraternal building at the World's Fair, in the interest of all the fraternal societies; and in addition to thl the Committee on Constitution and Laws will present report recommending several important changes in the present constitution and lawn of the congiess. This is ald to be one of the most important meetings which the congress has ever held, and it is, therefore, of great im- nortance that every society be represented, either by its regular representatives or by specially appointed ones. Knights of Father Mathew.
The annual lsit of the supremo officers was midi Uo Visitation Council. No. 26. Tuesday ej en-lag. Previous to the open meeting the lleiprenil P.
P. Crano delhered an eloquent sermon In tRe church, which was followed by benediction. The open meeting at the hall of the council was well attended by a large numberof mon anil women. Ad.lrVai.es were male by William II. O'Brien.
.8. C. S. 1C, -nd Thomas 8. Bowdern.
and on behalf of the council bv the Reverend L. J. Sempsey and the Reverend M. F. O'Flaherty W.
O'Toole. C. S. J. F.
Rcardon, M. Mcllenry Father O'Flaherty entertained the meeting with several vocal selections. The visit of the supreme officers to St. Maia-chy's. No.
6, on Friday eening was appreciated. The Reverend Father Crano delivered the sermon in the church. The open meeting was held In the council hall. The supreme officers, v. II.
O'Brien. Thomas S. Uowdcrn and Thoma. Fox. addressed the meeting.
Responses In behalf or the council wern made by Brothers W. T. Nolan, J. Oeekle and others. F.
Cook spoke on tho benefits of total abstinence as means of success to young men. Brother Charles P. Monaghan, C. 8. K.
of Emerald, No. 10, spoke in behalf of the visiting brothers. The meeting was entertained with musical se-lectlona by the Crescent Mandolin Club and vocal selections by Messrs. J. Ehart.
W. Schoenlng, T. Morgan, Q. Krcpp. J.
Garbarino and E. Fcn-lon of uie Emerald Minstrels. Several applications were received. The sunrema chief sir knight. D.
O'C. Tracy, has returned from Chicago, where he Instituted Annunciation. Council. No. 77.
being assisted by Brothers John F. Cunncen and Doctor J. J. McLaughlin. Brother Cunncen reports that he has completed the preliminary work toward the organization of a cou.icll In Bridget's Parish.
Brother Cun-neen has several councils under way. Brother Frank J. O'Loughlin. the Western organizer. Is hard at work In tho Western territory, and results will soon follow.
The following visits will be made bv the supreme officers to the local councils during the month of May; St. Patrick's. No. 4, Muy 6- St. John's.
No. 2. May 10; St. Man's, No. 49, East 8t Louis, May IS; St.
Rose's. No. EO. May IB; Ot. Leo's, No.
28, May 16; S3. Mary and Joseph's, No. 9. May 20; Mount Carmel No. 42.
May 22; Annunciation, No. 2. May 24; Holy Name, No. 40, May 28. The Officers' Association, composed of the officers of the local councils, will hold Its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday.
April 30. at which meeting the reunlrn and Junior Knights' Field Day will be taken up for action. A banquet was given St. Leo's Junior Knights Drum Corps on Monday evening under the direction of Brother William S. McAdam, at K.
of F. M. Hall, No. 263 Washington avenue. Brothers W.
H. O'Brien. J. J. O'Brien and W.
8. Adam addressed the boys. Vocal and Instrumental selections were given by Mrs. A. Padden, Masters Padden and Thos.
F. Bcwdern. Ihe following is the standing of the councils contesting for the banner: Emerald, No. 10, l5j St. Louis, No.
1, 180; St. Bridget's. No. X. 176; St.
Leo's. No. 20. 162. and Immaculate Conception, No.
23. Hannibal, 144. Ancient Order United Workmen. Deputy Grand Master Workmen I. B.
Flory and Fred C. Erbe report good results, activity and enthusiasm from places where they hao visited In the Interior of the St. Louis Lodge had one of Us old-time meetings on April 22. at which one candidate was Initiated. Just before the initiation took place the lodge was surprised by visiting delegations from Majestic.
South St. Louis. Benton and Phoenix lodges, who were admitted to witness the Initiatory work of St. Louis Lodge degree team, which did Its work well. Under the good of tbe order, addresses were made by members and visiting brethren, and after the meeting closed all retired to an adjoining hall, where an elegant lunch and refreshments were Served.
This lodbe wilt celebrate Its twenty-sixth! annl-versary May It at Dewey Hall and promises all who attend an enjoyable time. Security Lodge met on last Tuesday night, with a fair attendance, and transacted much Important business. This lodge will give an entertainment and smoker at its hall In the Fraternal building. Eleventh street and Franklin avenue, on Tuesday. May 11.
All members are cordially invited to attend. Phoenix Lodge had a. good attendance at its meeting Thursday evening, at which a great deal of Interest In the order was displayed. Three applicants were elected to membership and two applications were tiled. This lodge is making extensive preparations for Its social meeting on Thursday evening.
May 9. An enjoyable time Is promised to the members who attend. Standard Lodge had a very Interesting meeting on Thursday evening, at which considerable discussion was had on the matter of giving an entertainment some time In the near future. Mechanics' Lodge had a well-attended and Interesting meeting on last Thursday night. A committee has been appointed to make extensive arrangements for tho eighteenth anniversary celebration of lodge, which will be held at Its hall.
No. 2117 Chouteau avenue. May 23. Hickory Lodge had a splendid meeting Wednesday evening, many members being prevent, one application for membership was received, one candidate initiated and a considerable amount of other business transacted. This lodge has organized a degree team, with Doctor Geo.
J. Larson as captain, and much good work can be expected In the future. Benton Lodge had a very interesting meeting last Thursday evening, over fifty members being present. The committee recently appointed to devise means to Increase the attendance at lodge meetings made their final report, and In the future this lodge will have a raffle for an assessment at one meeting in each month, but no special notice will be given to members as to which meeting night such raffle will take place. The delegation which visited St.
Louts Lodge on lat Tuesday evening was very well pleased with the enthusiasm displayed at that ne.1 vlBit "Ka will be to Milestlo Lodge. Aa usual. Brother Medelros carried oft the honors as chief orator of Benton Lodge. Brother William Necker was appom 2d Aso35tlon. 8t the Workmen's Peateom Lodge had a short session on last Frl- at hlcn necessary business of the lodge was transacted.
Three appllcatlona for membership were received At the close of the meeting the hall was arranged for a euchre, which was well attended everv e.t in the hall and at the tables telng with spectators and players. Many valuable prizes An" the conclusion of the L1ci -ho "Raln for a hop TJle committee which had charge of (fie erVTMJmuc.n 'rcdlt tor success. Loose bad a well attended meeting SEL Ji Thursday eyralna-. at which two dates Tnltla'ted membership and two candi- Its membership on Monday evening, and alo re- 1'IS1 from Bran1 nter workman, grand recorder and a arge delegation from Vil fersor. Lodge.
AddresBe.f were nTad'e by Doctor Drechiler. Stroeher. Schulze. and other members of Jeff erron Lodge, also by Brother DoyleoTtnR lodge, and Grand Master Workman Sillier. in" Grand Recorder Henry W.
Meyer. After the meeting doled lunch and refreshments were aerved. American Idge fan again he rlasted as one of the active lodges In workmanship, as the mating on Thurrday evening was well attended and two "candidates were fiiltlated by Henry Meyer, grand recorder. After the routine but-neis had been gone through with the grand corder made an address, after which several of the members promised that they would present applications for membership at the next meeting. Tower 'Grove Lodge had an enjoyable meeting 85vAPr'! S- the vl'o were Brothers JJhlte of West Gate Lodge, and Brother Gradv of Nentune Ledge.
This lodge will entertain Ven, Ellendale. Beckvllle. Neptune and West Gate lodges on Saturday evening. May The twenty-sixth anniversary of the Introduction of the A. jr.
w. into the Htate of Missouri will be celebrated on Saturday evening, Ma.v AV im: Bt. UmRf Park H- Thirteenth and Ltah streets, with an entertainment and 5oni. FP 8UPrenle master workman has bMn invited toalCend and make the address nf the evening. The affair will be made as enjoyable ni posslb e.
and all members and their friends are Cordially Invited to attend, Dearree of Honor, A. o. V. XV. West End Lodge, was taken by surprise Saturday evening, April One of the mon pleasing surprises was tie presence of the grand recorder, Mrs.
Rose C. Robinson cf Kansas city Addresses were delivered by the grand recorder Past Grand Chief of Honor Glr.evra L. Miller and Grand Recorder Henrv Wj Meyec of tho A. O. also Chief of Honor Clara B.
Murrell of Murrell Lodge. Sister Deckervale ot South End Lodge, Sister Johnson of Acorn Lodge and Brothers John Appier of Murrell Lodge and J. E. ltulkey of Phoenix Lodge. refreshments a complimentary euchre concluded the enjoyment.
Prizes were awarded to Sister Mamie Schneider and Brother Cert of Acorn Lodge, and Brother H. A. Grimm. Amelia Grimm, Clara Darr. Margaret Hughes, Ellen Hughes and Brother Gustav Ran.
On Tuesday evening Phoenix Lodge broke another record In the matter of entertainments. Wcnzel's large hall was filled to overflowing with Phoenix members, and visitors from Acorn, West End. Farmers'. Hyde Park. North End.
South End and Gtrmanla lodges. The vocal and Instrumental selections rendered by tbe entertainers of Phoenix Lodge were enjoyed, as were also tbe bright fraternal addresses delivered by Grand Recorder Rose C. Roblnsdh of" the D. of Grand Recorder Meyer cf the A. O.
U. Grand Lady Of Honor Alice Mulkey. Slater Chamberlain of the Grand Lodge Finance Committee, and the chiefs and past chiefs ot honor who were among the visitors. The children's drill by the Phoenix Juniors proved the climax of the occasion. The banquet waa an elaborate affair.
Crand Chief of Honor Almaretta Morgan. Grand Master "Workman Miller and Past Superior Chief ot Honor Mrs. Miller arrived from South End Lodge-too late to enjoy any part of the pro-rramme except the refreshments. oh Tnendnv evenine Grand CSilef of 'Honor Mr- I Almaretta Morgan visited South End Lodge at their new ball on and Courtols Mteet. accompanied by the grand master, workman ana past superior chief of honur.
The meeting was exceptionally well attended by the members ot tho lodge and visiting brothers and sliters. Addresses were made by the grand chief of honor, grand master workman, past superior chief ot honor and othcr, after which refiehmenta were served and a general good time enjoyed. Murrell Lodge will hold Its regular meeting on Friday evening. On Tuesday evening. April J), this lodge will produce new play, entitled New Woman of 1996," at Anchor Hall.
Park ana Jefferson avenues. Several members of the iocb haie been assigned to the cast of characters'. iiU from the successful rehearsals the outlook Is -i-t the affair will be a grand and successful one. The committee havlng'the affair. In charge reports ewrythlng In readliiers for the play to tuke pMce.
Tho performance will bein at o'clock slu.u and be followed by a hop until 2 a. in. On Wednesday evening Hyde 1'urk received the visiting grand officers Urnnil tnlcf ot Honor Mrs. Almaretta Morgan, and orand lic-corder Mrs. Rose C.
Robinson, both of Kans i City. The Grand Lady of Honor Sifter Alice t. Mulkey of this city was also preent. Grand latter Workman Miller and hli wife the imst iiipe-rlor chief of the order, er present, nlwi delegations from West End, l'hoenli. l-annen Acorn and Murrell ledges.
The meeting crowded and th evenln's entertainment exce'i-tinnallr nijuutjl. Mt. Efne Chamberlain the Finance Committee of the Grand Lodse. i chief of honor, conducted the ceremonies. Addresses were made by the grand chief of nn''--the grand recorder, pael superior chief of honor, the grand master workman and other after which refreshments were sened.
a 8 time hod. and the meeting cloned with nil members joining hnn-li around the liaj, njj Jnlnlng In singing "God Be With Ami Ve Meet Again." In ntldltlon to the cntertn'nnwil features. Hvde l'ark Lodge at this meeting Initiated fit applicants, and recled three -cations fur beneficial membership. Itoyal Tribe ot Joaeiili. 8t.
Louis Lodge was well attend, by both members and visitors, there being a goouly number from outside the city precnt. Unil arrangements were made for their citertnlnnwit at their first meeting In May, at which time tney also expect to have a class of twenty-five to Initiate, fifteen already having ben passedvon and eight new applications received. Pacific gave Its entertainment and Imp on April 20. The hall was packed loac before the entertainment commenced. members competed for the Jewel offered by the lodge to the member selling the greatest number ot tickets.
Oak Hill Lodge at Us last meelng Initiated five candidates, elected seven by ballot and receiied five new applications. Compton Heights Lodge on Its laFt regular meeting night only opened long enouRh to elect two by ballot and receive four new applications, after which the regular order of business was dispensed with, and the members returned to the large hall, which was crowded with peop ready to commence play at euchre. Twenty prizes were given away. Missouri Lodge Is now permanently located In Its new quirters at Eighteenth and Lvnch streets. Its last meeting was well attended bv both members and The lodge Initiated three candidates, elected nine by ballot and received several new applications.
Catholic KnlRhtn and Ladles. The ball given by the Advisory Board Wednesday evening was a social success. Mrs. M. H.
Tobln, as chairman of the Reception Committee, did the honors. St. Cronan's Branch at Its last meeting had several applications and Initiations. St. Kevin's Branch had six Initiations at last meeting.
They ore Installed In the new hall, ii which they gave a complimentary euchre Monday eenlng to 300 guests. St. Iiwrence O'Toole's Branch will give a progressive euchre April 30. Eighty prlnes will distributed. Knlvhts of Honor.
Columbia Lodge at Its last meeting elected A. "Welngartner dictator, successor to John Hurck. An invitation by letter was mailed to the members requesting all to be present at the first meeting In the new quarters and hall. No. 2J19 Eahlcn avenue, where the lodge will meet In the future every and third Monday of each month.
An entertainment and refreshments are being arranged for the first meeting. Lincoln Lodge had a good attendance it Its last meeting. Reports were made by representatives who attended the conference meeting, explaining the objects and purport of the session, the plans mapped out for the future and aggressive work of tne order. The members present by resolution pledged a hearty support. The memners of Mound City Lodge have been aroused by special letter communication from the officers, and the consequent result thereof Is a number of Brothers William Frank.
Belser, Fisher and others made stirring addresses. Schiller Lodge Is pleased with the attendance. At Its last meeting one application was received, several mure being promised for the next meeting. Brothers Babe, and Wlshman were reported Brothers John Gerdel and William Klanke made addresses in behalf of the lodge and the order. Mount Olive Lodge Initiated five candidates nt the last meeting, with seven more rending for the next meeting.
A good attendance of members was present. An Interesting letter was read from Brother Laux of Honolulu, Hawaiian Is-lnrds. an employe of the' United States. Brothers AVilllam Cochran. A.
V. Ramsey. J. D. Hcn-ger and others made brief and Interesting re-n arks.
St. Louis Lodge Is preparing to Initiate several candidates at Its next meeting. Matters of un-rsual Importance to be discussed at the meeting will no doubt bring good attendance. Oak Lodge is preparing- to Initiate ten applicants on next Wednesday. There will no doubt be a large attendance ofimembers, as they make the Initiations Interesting.
Knights ofi Pythian. On next Monday Grand Chancellor E. I. Morse, assisted by the grand keeper of records andi seal, will hold a district meeting nt bprlngileld, Mo. Quite a number of lodgea will be present, end an exempllllcatlon of tne secret work will be shown.
The district meetings have resulted In much good throughout the Slate, and flattering reports of work done are being constantly received by the grand chancellor. Confidence Lodge, No. 121, hail a meeting last Thursday evening at which five pages were advanced to the rank of Esquire. It Is expected at the next meeting, when the rank of K-nlgJU-lone form, will be conferred, that Red Cress Company. No.
4, will be In attendance. Pacific Lodge, No. 304. held its regular meeting April 24. with a good attendance of members.
Red Cross visited the lodge In a body, and quite a large number of visitors were present from Excelsior, Burlington and Washington lodges. After the regular order of business was gone throua-h with. Brother H. M. Dalton of Pacific gave a very Interesting -and InstructU talk of his experience In the Klondike and Caps Nome Alter that Max Lu beck and Frank Smith gave; two wrestling bouts, ana a sparring contest was Indulged In by two lecal weights.
Pacific Is snowing quite a considerable of Its old-time enthusiasm, and at the present time a number of applications are on hand for work In June. A progressive euchre and smoker will bo in the regular order cf busl- "tttar Company. No. 9. U.
R. K. lat Thursday evening Installed the following officers for fh! ensuing term. Will A. Fertile, kplghr loyal cantaln- Harry Wiley, first lieutenant; Louis second lieutenant; Frank Brown, knight oyal recorder; Frank M.
Brooks, Knight loyal treasurer; Alex. Mcintosh, right guide: ffl Zlegler "ft guide. A banquet was enjoyed by nlK and Captain Fertile was highly compir-niented for his fifteen years of service. Knlaht and Ladles of Honor. Reoort from tho Supreme Medical Examiner is most favorable as to number of applications nnssed UDOti by him favorably for this Jurisdiction.
It presumes that Missouri will pass any forrner month and the r.et Increase In proportion. Th utii party composed of members of the Grand Lodge visiting Meramec Lodge. No. 2177. at Fnton on PaturSay evening.
April 20 wete well and enterifalned Well and oieisht kent open house and entertained tn nests who enme from miles around, and nearly aT'tSfnJ memhers of th lodge. After Initiation y-'eTK'No0. received the Grand 'two jsaas In their entertainment, consisting of singing, and dancing. One of the featurj-a of the evenlnr was the cake walk by a little tot of about years of age, little Flossie Fritz, who displayed remarkable ability. A fancy dance by another little child was enthusiastically received, and all together the whole entertainment was a credit to May-Pell Lodge and the ladles who pro-vldM tbe special features of the evening.
Ice cream and cake were served to the guests. CO'icord'a Club Hall. No. 1441 Chouteau avenue, has been engaged for the coming session of tne Grand Lodge. 'Of which due notice will be given the lodges, officers and representatives.
Tho" supreme protector reached the city on last Friday morning and after spending the day at, the Grand Lodge office and attending to soma legal matters visited Olive Branch Lodge In East St. Louis In tha evening, accompanied by the Grand Ledge officers and a number of members of Ft. Louts lodges. A class of thirty candidates waa Initiated. Brother W.
A. Dill, the grand vice protector of Illinois, welcomed the visitors In a most hearty manner. A large crowd was at the hall, and after a most enjoyable evening nil returned to their homes well pleased with their visit. Tho May edition of the Chronicle, published at Indianapolis, and the official organ of the order, contains a half-tone engraving of the grand protector of Missouri, Brother John D. O'Keefe.
Official visitations: May 7. Tuesday, Chouteau, No. 1631, La Salle street and California avenue; May 15. Wednesday, Magnolia. No.
14S4, Ewlng and Manchester avenues: May 20. Monday, Philippine, No. 706, Twenty-second apd Madison streets: May 23, Thursday. Cherokee, No. 1343.
i Texas avenue and Cherokee street: Mav 29, Wednesday, Mutual, No. 6, No. 2000 South Twelfth street. Royal Arcannm. Ozark Council held a great meeting on Mcnday evenlng.
The class nt Initiates was so large that It came as a surprise to the most sanqutne. Brothers Barbour. Ellcnburg. Marks and the other workers, who had been putting forth extra efforts to outdo each other In application-getting, all came leaded, which, naturally resulted In a very large number being presented. Tho following councils have obtained dispensations to hold stated meetings Monday evening: Benton.
Laclede, Carr Lane, Chevalier, Ka-Ci-Mo-Ra, Missouri and Ozark; and tbe following councils on Tuesday evening: Cabanne, Klrk-wocd. Cote Brllllante. St. Joseph. Boonvllle, Forest Park, Elk.
Mentor, Compton Hill, Jefferson City, Sedalla, North End and Delmar. Cabanne had a highly interesting meeting. Deputy Grand Regent Holmes, Brother Bcal ot Felix and others were present. The class of Initiates waa larger than ever, and the applications numerous. Brother Eggers begins to feel proud of his ccuncil.
Hickory greeted the grand officers and Deputy Supreme Regent Grier on Tuesday evening with' a large gathering, full of enthusiasm and a large number of Initiations and applications. The grand regent made a few remarks, after ''which Brother Orler delivered an address. Regent Holmes presented to the supreme deputy one of those "famous hickory sticks," after which lunch waa served. About MO applications have been passed on by the State medical examiner. Doctor Black-mer, for the contest, and the end Is not yet.
Elk Council enjoyed a splendid meeting, with Deputy Grand Regent Moller, Past Grand Regents Bonner and other visitors present. Tbe applications were many and class of Initiates the largest in the business of the evening; waa disposed of cood-slxed delegation paid a fraternal visit to Hickory Council, ar- rlvlnr Just- in time for nhe east, Ka-Ci-Mo-Ra had a full four Monday evenlnr. full of good cheer, many applications and a host of Initiations. Easton reports a very encouraging meeting, including a largely Increased attendance, a gooa batch of applications and a class of Initiates large enough to inspire Regent Pcrringer and his bend of coworkers to still greater efforts. The official visitation to Violet Council bl 2 bo postponed, there being no hall available tor use on the scheduled date.
North End had a full turnout on Wednesday evening. Grand Vice Regent Baton. Past Crand Recent Bonner and others were In attendance. Supreme Orntor Robinson and others visited Valley Council on Thursday evening and give gratifying reports of the meeting. Brother Lviftt a that Klrkwood Is after the prize In Its class, and points to the meeting or List Thursd.iv as an Indication of Its earnestness.
Brother Cutter headed a good delegation of From reports received from Felix Council It Is evident that work Is going ulong In a The meeting Thursday night was full of encouragement. It was decided to comer tne degree in robes for liclede Council on Mondav evening, and for Cabanne Council on May 1- Supreme Deputy Orler sends In good reports or his vlblt to St. Joscpn and Gate City councils. Cratlfvlng oik Is lieing done by both councils as a result of his visitations. The grand regent wits unable to attouipmiv lutn on net-mint i'f nu stress of burlnt(-s IncI.Unt to the class e0.1"""1: 0-uge Is the name of new cc*ntll Instituted on April 2.
Its meeting plate, is on Broadway and Keokuk street. Royal Lenicne Items. West End Council conferred the degree of Initiation on two candidates at last meeting, ant several applications are promised for next meeting. Supreme Representative Lamar gave an interesting account of the supreme session. The banquet at Midland Hotel glvon by Kan! Cltv Council was a decided success.
Suprenie Scribe Piper ot Chicago and Deputy Lackey ot St. Louis were guests. New Century Council had, six applications at their last meeting, and admitted Doctor Fendler hv card. He was elected past archon. The Ori-tors' Association furnished the council with an entertainment.
Doctor J. Jacobson has been commissioned a medical examiner for the order In this city, has a membership In Future Great Council. All laws enacted ot the recent session of Supreme Council will become effective July 1. including the Issue of 1500 certificates. C-icelcy Council had a good attendance at their last meeting.
One candidate was Initiated ana one application received. nr. South Side Council conferred the three candidates and received two applications nt MUsourl Wahafh Council entertained to hers with a progressive euchre last Thursday which was quite enjoyable. This council is mat- Council at Its last meeting Initiated two candidates and had two applications. An entertainment under the auspices of the Oro tors' Association followed.
Refreshments wc.i served and a general good The following members visited Kansas i.l.V Council and report a royal time: H. 8. Davis. G. W.
Smith. 7.. Risen, V. Lc Ileaume. A.
Palmer. A. Buh, W. H. Adklns, L.
Hesse and Jno. Halberstadt. Order Colombian Knlshtn. Plyn-outh Lodge. No.
S2. met "art's Hal Easton and Semple aver.ues. on Thursday rilgnt. April 18. The attendance was unusually large, owing to a peculiar arrangement made at the previous meeting, when one of the members rts tng to his feet, pledged himself to bring one of the stay-cwuys to the next meeting or pay a tor-felt of 2T.
cents. This was quickly taken UP and followed by others until all had made the same pledge. The latest adjunct to the lodge. Brother Chapllne. stated that he would not agree to bring an old member to the next meeting, but would pledge himself to bring more than one application.
As a consequence, at the last meeting. Thursday night. Brother Chapllne was on hand with five out of seven appllcatlona presented, and those who failed in their pledge cheerfully paid their money Into the treasury though the number was small. A rousing reception was tendered to Deputy Supreme President Lemmng. who had been absent from the city for over four months.
Orator Elder produced some fine cigars, and announced a surprise In the shape of a mandolin and guitar club and sketch team. Atlantic Lodge. No. 00. met Friday night and discussed tho proposition to consolidate witr Phcenlx Lodge.
No. 111. The two lodges will hold a joint meeting at Phoenix Hall. Cass and Jefferson avenues, on Thursday night. May i.
St. Louis Lodge. No. S3, held a well-attended meeting Monday night, April 22. One application was received.
The evening was spent In rehearsing the new Initiatory ceremony, and the officers and degree staff will hold, a special meeting Monday nighty April 29. In their hall In Odd Fellows' building, for the purpose of completing their rehearsal. North End Lodge. No. 10C.
met Wednesday evening at Wright and Twentieth streets, with a large attendance, as usual. Remarks were made by President WlebrocVr In regard to bringing In new members. Brother Ackerman also made a stirring address, and many of the members have pledged themselves to bring In one cr more applications at the next meeting. The first of a scries of entertainments will be given next meeting. The progresslv euchre and hop given by Cheltenham Lodge, No.
SI. was one of the successes of the season. Returns have been made on 40 tickets. At a o'clock the contest began, twelve games being played. At the conclusion of the Sames and after the prizes were awarded the ancInT commenced.
Meetlncs for the coming week are: Monday, degree staff of St. Louis: Thursday, May 2. Plymouth and special meeting of Atlantic and Phoenix. Odd-Pellosrs. Coral Rcbekah Ledge held a lively meeting Tuesday4 night, with a large attendance- Three applications were received and much business was transacted.
The Entertainment Committee reported the box social given at the previous meeting a social and financial- success. Mrs. Martha Martin presented to the lodge a hand-tcme Bible, lor which she received a vote of thanks. At the close the meeting Captain C. a.
Gratiot drilled the degree staff. One of a series cf entertainments was given bj Alpha Lodge Entertainment Committee Monday night, which was well attended, notnitn-etundlng the Inclement weather. Mrs. Mary M. Stark, after a short address, called the programme, which was well rendered.
This lodge will meet second and fourth Mondays. The Headquarters Committee will meet at the Southern Hotel Mcnday night. April 2. The lleverend Mr. Abel of Granite City and R.
J. Drown of Venice. 111., will deliver addresses Sundav at Venice In henor of the eighty-second anniversary of the institution of Odd Fellowship in tre United States. Pride ot tho Valley Lodge. East St: Louis, had a tine programme Saturday night In celebrating the elgnty-i-econd anniversary.
W. it. Pratt Evergreen Lodge at Blooming-ton died April and the body was shipped to Bloomingtcn on Friday by the Relief Board for burial. Tribe of Ben liar. The deputy supreme chief will leave for De Soto next week to Institute a court at that Uuecn Esther Court met last Monoav.
litis court will give a music and literary entertainment next Monday. April 2S. Mound City met Tuesday night and Initiated seven candidates and had ten applications. This court will be one jear old on May 21. and 'u honor of their first anniversary will give a complimentary entertainment and hop to their friends.
St. Louis Court met Thursday night, a diss of ten candidates being Initiated and several applications received. Arrangements for attending the funeral of Sister Gibbons, who was Judge nf this court, wcro made. St. Louis.
Mound City and Century courts will give a railroad excursion to Pacific, June The committee having the matter in charge anticipate a crowd and good time Eureka Court. No. 36. was instituted by the deputy supreme chief, assisted by Deputy Grand Chief Brother Markert last Tuesday night at Fraternal building. Fifty members attended.
Ti. following were elected as officers: Past che. W. H. Adams; chler, W.
F. Llns: Judge. Bock: teacher, L. Sendke; scribe. E.
C. Lavin; K. of Tribute, E. L. Anderson.
Protected Home Circle. Comptcn Circle initiated four and had four now names presented. The euchre on May 8 promises tn be something beyond the usual. It will be given In Anchor Hall. Jerrerson and Park avenue.
All the arrangements are complete for handling the crowd. Many excellent prizes will bo distributed. Soclnl League will give an entertainment and 1-op Tuesday evening. May 14, at Llederkranz Hall. No.
SU10 Easton avenue. Tower Grove Circle held a meeting Thursday night, preparatory to the entertainment and hop Snturdov night. May 4. at Grosses Hall. Juniata street and Morgan Ford road.
Benton Circle initiated class at Its last meeting, with new names presented for enrollment. By unanimous votp. It was decided to give an open meeting May 12. Missouri Circle met Monday night. Several new names were proposed, and a class Initialed.
Hope Circle had a good time, and large attendance. It Is adding new members, and promises to overhaul some of the leaders In the twelve circles of thp city. The guessing match at Arlington Circle was amusing and novel. Refreshments were served, one candldtae was obligated: then the even.ng, was given up to music and dancing. Hobson Circle had a meeting of much Interest Monday night.
Plans for something out cf the usual order are being made. Rainbow Circle will have, a large class for Initiation at the next meetldg. Thursday May 2. Much Interest was developed at tha last meeting, Knlfgmta of tbe Maccabees. St.
Louis Camp, in an' official visit, mingled with the members of Enterprise Tent on last Wednesday evening. Enterprise Is one of the new tents and the camp gave their members an Idea of the strength of the order In this city. The hall was filled to overflowing and the meeting was a very enthusiastic one. most of t.ln renresented. Lieutenant VV.
A. Homers, chairman of the Entertainment Commit-' tee, had. an exceuem. ijiukiuuumc iitnij. were made by Great Commander Anderson Camp Commander Parker.
Great Master-at-Arms Williams of th United States at large. Sir Knight Leah or Casino Tent. Bamber ot United Tent. Sir Knight Colonel Solomon Haley, leader of Union Tent's Famous Band, and songs by Sir Knights Goldstein. Foster, Haley.
Jack Primus and others. United Tent attended In -a body twenty-five strong. An agreeable surprise was the attendance of Union Tent Band, and rcreat Commander Charles A. Speldel i arrived Friday morning from Frederlckstown. I nm tent nn Thursday nlrht.
with a large charter list. A- rsmv nf Harrison. oassed through the city last wek while on his war Helena. where he goes to look after his stock raising While in the city he took occasion to" "Islt a number of the ecan'en Tent on last Thursday night entertained their families and friends at their hall. Grand end Easton avenues, with literary and music programmes.
Among those to tak part Mr. Morris Goldstein. Sir Knight Dobson. the Irish comedian of St. Louis Tent.
Sir Knight Powell Miss Stella Potterfleld, Mr. Franken-bUrg of Hall Tent and the "Famous Union Tent Band." Addresses were made by Jones Parker, commander of St. Louis Camp, and John I Martin. State counselor for Missouri. Wellston Tent at Its last review Monday night Initiated quite a number of candidates and closed tbelr charter.
In the three months of their existence they secured fifty-six Ilfe-beneflt members and nine social members, thereby winning the prize offered by th Supreme Tent. This i. nt tho lintllnir tents nf the rltv and la destined to reach place In tbe "Big, Tent" be fore the close ot the present year. -Suburban Tent on last Thutsdav altht racaiTsa ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr.
Harrison H. Merrick, of the Merrick, Walsh Phclp3 Jewelry Desires to Announce that he will hereafter be with the in i Where he will be pleased to have his friends call vpon him- one application and bad an Interesting literary programme, remarks being made by Sir Knight I Doctor Camp, H. H. Bonow of North Dakota, Sir Knight George Ham was the lucky one in the drawing for assessment- On Monday. April 15.
Tower Grove Tent met at Its resular hall, which proved to be a very in- terestlng meeting. Two applications were re- flvrl nnrl nn nd til ft I Inttiati1 RSCOrd Keeper 11. Ives MacKenile cave notice that all members were welcome on Monday evening. May 6. to witness the Initiation of candidates and entertainment.
At last review of Missouri Tent they gave a complimentary entertainment and hop for the benefit of their members and friends. There was a large attendance present. The programme: Piano solo by Sir Knight Goldstein, monologue Tandree. song bv Miss Jennette Alexander, piano solo by Miss Stamp, Irish monologue by Sir Knight Dobson. violin solo bv Master Willie O'Donnell.
recitation by Mr. Freidskln. coon song by Harry Paris, vocal solo by Miss Ra-felle piano solo by Mr. Moore and a sketch by Mr. and Mrs.
Tarllnc and son entitled 'The Troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Brown. P.emirks were made bv Great Commander R.B. Anderson for the good of the order, after which rcfresn-ments were served and all enjoyed themselvts tlli a late hour.
a llwminhaat. Liberty Hive v.lll hold Its next meeting Wednes- i 1 inttttMiri nf Tuesday after- noon, at 3413 Easton avenue. The next coffee euchro will he given at the home of Lady RaP'i No. 2331 Ailnins street. Thursday afternoon, nt Queen Bee Hive had a well-attended meeting on last Thursday night; had two Initiations and received seven applications.
x.iesdsv-At the last review of Chellls Hive, Tuesaay night, two candidates were Initiated tw. applications received. Lady Sh-pard finance-keeper, wus elected to represent Cnellls Hive at the convention to be held at St. JePb MayH and 13. Ludy Brown, past commander, was Jlccted altlrnate.
Remarks were nde by Jones. Lady Relsden and Lady Gray, after which held their regular review Saturday evening, with good attendance. Three IppIIcaticns received and two members were admitted by card. The ladies are m.ltlnir arrangements for a euchre to be given St on May 11. Handsome prizes will be awarded the winners.
Woodmen Circle. The oren meeting- and enterUinment given by thaW-omen of Maple Grove last -Thursday evening1 proved a most enjoyable event- The hall was filled to lis uimosi I tatnment Committee received the warmest fnr the untiring efforts to give, their fellJW-membcrs and friends an enjojanie "ofivef Grove No. 27. had a grand meeting Anril 24 There were nine candidates ad-RnS" Unorder of -eVfiK! ari. received at every meeting.
The committee Euchre to bo giveS at Southwest Turner Hall evenlncT May 4. report a sewing machine to be the'flrst prize Jothe lucky winner. Among other prizes will be a handsome embroidered sofa cushion. Woodmen of the World. tstir vtlfT1 IlV The literary enxrruun --Wold Camp.
No. 204. Wednesday evening was a success, over 2W ladles and gentlemen braving, the downpour of rain. The programme arranged by Musical Director B. J.
Pavyer was enjoyed, closing with an address by Consul Commander "ncVrn'Sg of the Centra, will hel.l at America Camp Hall May 7. promises to be of more than usuil Interest, it Is exrected that several members ot the Camp will be present, stopping over on their way to Columbus. to attend the biennial convention of the Sovereign Camp. rvM-i-Mount Auburn Camp had a meeting Frid-jv evening. Initiating one candidate and receiving one application.
After cigars had been passed tho members were addressed by Sovereign vv. M. Wilson of Wold Camp, after which the camp a orchestra rendered several excellent musical se- Merca'ntlle Camp had a well-attended meeting last Saturday evening and received two applications. Considerable routine business was transacted, and It was decided to attend the unveiling at Rolla. Sunday.
June S. Monteflorc Camp Initiated two candidates at Its meeting Monday evening. The Committee on Picnic submitted a report, and it was also de-elded to accompany Botanical Camp "ro Raua. on June 9. Chopper Camp has been holding large and enthusiastic meetings of late, and last Friday evening the hall was crowded with members and visitors.
A committee to arrange for an ooen meeting and entertainment on the first Friday In May was appointed aad Instructed to spare no expense to make It a success. Sovereign L. Lan-genecker hold the record to date In tbe contest fcr the prize offered In proposing new mtm- niic Camp on Wednesday evening received one application and Introduced one candidate for the GMlcwood Camp cf Huntingsburg. Ir.d. The camp will attmd tre unvclllnc of a monument to a departed sovereign at Rolla.
on July 9. Knlfcbts and Ladles of Secnrlty. In the five months Garfe'd Council has been In existence only one -has passtd without an Initiation. Ths averaje Is four alolit. The membership Is now eighty.
Seven Initiations vll! occur next Thursday. At th.i la a. committee wns appointed to arrange 'or the wscon and basket picnic, to be giver. In a month. Protection Council Is to move Into new Quarters In the vicinity of Jclte.imi and avenues.
The committee In charge consists of Brothers Johnson and Kelly. Tre euchre of Tuesday was financial ami sjclil success. Twentieth Century Cou.icltv us awarded and presented with the membership Banner, to be kept for the next three months. Doctor A. F.
1'erler rradc the presentation speech. The funeral of Brother John II. Bergman oc- WEAK, WASTING STRIGTURED While You Sleep rtm Is aa anasUsa Ikalyom 0ml Ilk yea It Hi 5 -v I CM IB I a A iwir ft1 bt iURuBw 4KI rs JBvVli LtA AB3BRr VM KWitm it aT-far1 fsa ta sssarse' eaasfrlyar with evil fonb41agi. Van law Uimt ymt ant txptritnet thnt alt mftha trugt that yam HaraaaontlnUyamtm thaa Uuy toaatyaa. NOW LISTEN TO ME! JVM eas aVoa latarmat mtilclat ttitt yaa uh ff allmsat la not la nnthralcaoal.
It Is a local Uttaaa. am as $ucm tttedaalty ay lattraal treatment. This It lha St. James mtthei otpnpartmg Th- mtdkatlea It comartsaH lata tat for tltxtUa, which slip Into tit unfiral dual wftfcMf tfftrt. wmanmttr tffiMfw At Is tutilzlaal tlmt to msaslnti.
UsTlro sua. allay latlzmmxtlon and ttiac SEMIXAL OVCTS. FOREVMH STOWX! OW4VS aad 135fOsl a ilrtst. poililrt, commoa-stasiaaa'omrmtirt ft spot aad ACTS IXMNTLY. "HMK TKMTinr" CIT II CX KWlUmiT IT Til riTIUT it it Mimm.
Space win not permit a complete description or tae ueomaaraMa M. James Tiaal urethral diseases. Every sufferer from Stricture, and Its offspring. Prostatitis anal titica. ntuuiu wiic tu uiu ou naiuw Arawtauun, turn tn, mimJtmwm Building.
Cincinnati, Ohio, for their wonderful MattnrtM work ahowlns the parts of the human iritem Involved In nretftrel eli-nenu. which thy will fend aecurelr wrapped In plain peckagev jirvpRKi, ST. JAMES 215 ST. en curred Sunday from the family home on Natural Bridie road. Members of Council No $22 vi-re pallbearers.
The Interment was at St. Paul's Cemetery. Dewey Council Is holding good meetlncs. The eitl-re ard entertainment was well attended. National President Kirkpatrkk will visit Louis In May at the request of three or four councils.
He will come here to look over tha fcld and leam how conditions can 1 Improved. He will be the guest of a committee made up of cne representative from each council. Pride of the West and Wellston councils soon will give strawberry and ice cream festivtls. Brother and Sister E. J.
Tarllng are the champion euchre players. Both generally win prlxes at all cnr.ttets they engage In. The "Hot Air Bunch" la becoming as famous as the "Big Four." It is the my of that -aggregation to present an affidavit: with every story to prove the truth beyond a r'oubt. Banner Council Is making ii effort to redconi It3 lost reputation by winrlng back the banner for the next three monte.s. Clympla and Wisdom councils repirt a steady Increase In membership.
Through th-e efforts of Doctor A. F. Peeler many former members are returning to the fold. of Honor. Aloha Council held Its regular meeting last Tuesday evening and initiated one canlidate, 'J.
F. McKnlght The committee appointed to arrange for the twenty-second anniversary entertainment reported that the hall of the Mnscma Temnle building had been secured for Wednesdav evening. May S. A fine programme Is being arranged, which will conclude with a hop. Invitations will be mailed this week.
The Jollification at St. Louis Council on Monday evening last Indicated a revival of old-time Interest In "Big 6." The pleasantries of suc.1 old members as Frank Galennle Doctor Bowman. Walter Blakely. Joe SIcLellan and Rei-nrde Drown, emphasized by such practical sunonrt sf-forded them In the presence of Compton Mill d'e-nltarles. who turned out In large numbers, an-1 whose presence waa Indicated by the prominence of a chrysanthemum, adding attracttvenere to their appearance.
A banquet was enjoyed by a convivial party of fifty-four. Doctor H. J. McKellops. a member of St.
Louis Council, and charter member of Stella Council. and J. T. Garvey of Irving Council, were reported dead. Grove Council will receive and entertain the supreme chancellor and staff on Thursday evening; next.
There will be several initiations on this occasion. Grove Council Is making a special effort to Increase Its membership this year. Fourteen applications have been tiled within the past month. Unity Council held Its regular meeting list Thutsdav evening. The Committee on Hall made a partial report en removing to tha Odeon.
whrch was fully discussed by the members present. he matter was laid over until the next meeting far further Information. Carondelet Council received four applications at Its last regular meeting and elected several applicants. There will be four or Ave Initiations at the next meeting. Very flattering reports are being received from the various councils of Increased number of applications and Initiations, and the present prospects indicate a large increase throughout tn order in the present year.
Th- standing of the three leaders In the Lgloa of Honor co*cked Hat Leagueplaces Lafayette first. Alpha. No. l. second, and Excelsior Hvd Pork Council Initiated eight candidates Friday night and filed eleven applications.
It will net be surprising if certain members of the council win all three of the prizes offered tbl veir bv- the Supreme Council. The Spavs and Colts will have a game or ball this morning. Last Sunday's game was postponed on account of bad weather. Hyde Park feels highly honored on account one of its members. Past Chancellor H.
XV- Steln-bisa. having been chosen by the Incorporators as a member of the Board of Directors of tSa Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company. FALLING NOW AT CINCINNATI. Eiver Remained Stationary for Twenty Hoars. Cincinnati, April 27.
After remaining stationary at 59.7 for twenty hours, tha Ohio River began falling here at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and at 7 o'clock tbe stags was 59.5 feet. The Weather Bureau now estimates that the water will fall to 59 fleet by Sunday morning and go below the danger line on Monday. Aa Tracker In the Philippines. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Sweet Springs, April 27.
Miss Rebecca Berry of this place has received without solicitation frcm Commissioner of Education for the Philippine Islands an appointment as teacher of English at a salary of 2900 per year tor a term of threa years, transportation to be furnished by tho Government. Miss Berry will leave early in June for Manila. Coaalaar to St. Larala. REPUBLIC SPECIAL.
Washington, April 27. Mrs. Hitchco*ck and Miss Margaret Hitchco*ck will spend next month In St. Louis. The family will summer at Dublin.
Me. Movrery Klaar. hEPUBLIC SPECIAL. Murphysboro. 111., April 27.
Slise Berth King and Cat Mowery were married her Thursday night. MEN CURED in 15 Days. tout: afMSeaavaf, wmk. mn Wr irMk.aawjreat an- anrtUarwttlamtlayamrM voor arosfSJft. arllrar.
arU mat ma raaalnl lactl traatatamt; at 4MMi mm trtatmamt: it of trayaaM at-nsi aaddlsMtt STZICTUXB Htm of tha P80STATB OCAhW, mnHaoi at LOZAL TMtATMmTtT JAMES CHWHAT1, 1 'y Ml. a. WmwmamW mmaWammmW lassat Ml .4 Jj FREE ll ri 1 -M fcl fi ZA siU -I rT ri siiEii irt'B iiaiiii i-Jtfewi-aatMia HiAifsm- 2.75 Xi.T-t ISA hi 'V'l'h I II I 111 I.