The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle : MSNBCW : August 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. i'll see you tomorrow on the saturday show when minnesota attorney general keith ellison will tell me about the tim walz he has known and worked with for years. will also be joined by minnesota lieutenant governor penny flanagan, who could make history as the nation's first native american woman governor if the harris/walz ticket wins

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in november. that's tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. the new democratic ticket is set. >> we are the underdogs in this race. >> these guys are creepy and yes, just weird as . >> this is america's dad, america's football coach. >> he is what j.d. vance pretends to be. >> i smile about a lot of things including bogus questions from the media. >> i can't wait to debate the guy. that is if he's willing to get off the couch and show up. >> i don't even know how to talk about the couch line yet. i'm still taking advice. >> we are not going there. >> what bothers me about tim walz is the stolen valor garbage.? just how much tim walz served our country honorably. >> we are joyful warriors. joyful warriors.

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>> nobody bigger than me. if you look at martin luther king actually had more people. >> it would be hard to find a sentence and what donald trump said today that did not include at least one lie. >> we'll be close to a world war, in my opinion we are very close to a world war. >> are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power. >> if trump loses. he means what he says. we don't take him seriously. he means it. >> good evening once again. i am stephanie ruhle and welcome to the nightcap. are you ready? because we are only 88 days away from the election and the race looks very different from what it did just a few weeks ago. kamala harris announced her choice for running mate, minnesota governor tim walz, and right away they hit the ground running, traveling to battleground states where huge crowds were there to greet them. meanwhile, donald trump spent

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most of the week at his home in florida, mar-a-lago. he did hold a press conference where he lied a lot and was fixated on one of his old favorites -- the size of crowds at his events. he did travel to a campaign event on friday in montana, which is not a battleground state. all right, let's bring in our nightcap crew because it's a great one. david french joins us, opinion columnist for the new york times for camari harris is here, host and managing editor of what's next, slate's daily news podcast. christina cabrera joins us, associate professor of political science at fordham university and co-host of both the faq nyc and the breakfast questions podcast, and comedian john fuglsang, host of tell me everything we days on sirius xm. all right, guys. these days there is just so much going on every single day. it's almost -- it's easy to forget where we started the week but it was tuesday, just a few days ago, when vp harris

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officially made her choice, tim walz as a running mate. i want to go around the horn and get reactions. david, let's start with you. >> i think the bottom line is it's actually not going to matter that much, truth be told. if we look at the last several elections i think what you want out of avp is somebody that the top of the ticket, a person at the top of the ticket feels comfortable with, somebody who could do well in the vice presidency and somebody who won't hurt you. and i think by that standard, she did just fine in the decision. i do think, by contrast, i think with j.d. vance there might be some ways in which vance will actually end up hurting trump but at the end of the day one of the things that politics teaches us is that a lot of the hype and debate over vice presidential candidates doesn't actually that matter that much at the end of the day. >> but it does make a lot of

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news in the short term. mary, we'll stick to vance and trump later on. let's just think about vp harris and her new running mate, tim walz. what do we think? >> i'm going to kind of disagree here because i think the excitement is valuable. i think having fun is valuable. that is something that the democrats were really struggling with profoundly, like a month ago. i think also it's interesting to think about walz and how he matches with kamala harris, and i say that because we talk a lot about vice presidential candidates and how they match in these kind of chessboard ways. like it was between josh shapiro and walz at the end. i think people were talking about shapiro as, oh, he'll ring pennsylvania, right? governor of pennsylvania. i think walz is a really different choice. he is this interesting yin-yang energy match, and i say that because as much as we think of

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kamala harris as having goofy internet energy, because that's what's been put out there, like her brat energy over the last few weeks. i think we are going to very soon see she actually has a very different energy. she has prosecutor energy. she has cop energy. tim walz has teacher energy. he has coach energy. i think that's just so important and it's an interesting match, and it's an interesting statement of what, harass herself thinks she needs. so this is really the first place we can see, what is, where is saying about herself, and now we know, and i think that makes it a really interesting choice. >> mary, do you think there is any risk with this, what you started with, they bring the fun? kamala harris said it, they are joyful warriors. is there a risk that fun isn't the right thing for the moment? democrats are saying this is an election of a lifetime. democracy is at risk. there are issues plaguing this country, thinking about foreign-

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policy, the fact that it's almost a tinderbox what's happening in the middle east. is there a risk that the fun isn't the right tone for the moment? >> well okay, here's the thing. i think we are very soon going to see the fun deflate. we have another couple weeks here. we have the dnc in a couple weeks. that's going to be more fun all over again. we're going to see some sort of production. it's going to be interesting. my bet is the theme is going to be freedom. every night is going to be a different kind of freedom. i'll come back if i got that right. but you saw this week when there was the rally in detroit, kamala harris was interrupted by protesters who wanted to talk about the middle east and she shot them down. to me, this is a reminder that we have real differences of

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opinion here in this party and i really think come september, come october, we are going to be talking about those. so i think the fun is going to come down. the other thing i keep remembering is a month ago the feeling was very different, and to me, that's a reminder that things can change. while you are feeling all this excitement potentially right now if you're a democrat, that excitement is august excitement. it is not september, october or november excitement, and that's important. you've got to just remember things change. we don't know what's going to change but i think the excitement level can change. >> christina, what do you think? >> we have to remember that joe biden decided not to run for reelection less than a month ago. so you know kamala harris in many ways is still introducing herself to the american public as the top of the ticket and finding her footing. so as mary said, this is the

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introductory phase where they do wanted to be exciting. walz has definitely energized the progressive wing of the democratic base. young people are really excited. as an educator, he definitely has educator energy, which i think is really important at this moment. i thought that she might choose kelly because i thought sunbelt, border, that's one of her achilles but i think walz really does balance her out really well with policy, especially since she's, as most residents, democrat and republican, are seen as moderate and centrist because that's what we've typically elected. i do agree with mary about this vp does matter. we have a woman of color at the top of the ticket, and so there are a lot of people who cannot vote for a woman. they can't vote for a person of color and evidently not a woman of color. so having sort of a single white man as the close number two definitely adds something to it. i don't think he detracts the way j.d. vance does. j.d. vance is getting strong sarah palin energy, where i think she could be really harmful and i don't think his vetting process was really robust because donald trump's entire strategy was just i'm going to beat

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biden because he's old and kamala harris is coming with a very different strategy. have to figure out how to deal with the very different colors of blue within the democratic party, very different visions especially with international policy, which tends to not matter in the past but now for this election it really does matter. they'll have to get a better strategy and really a better policy to satisfy the myriad of opinions within the democratic base. >> john, christina just said is, they are both, the collective ticket is moderate and centrist yet three days in republicans are painting the harris/walz combo as dangerously aggressive, radically liberal, san francisco liberals. most radical ticket in history. >> which is exactly what the republicans would've said about a joe lieberman/joe manchin ticket, isn't it? most radical left ticket in history. hi everyone, we've been doing this big political comedy tour all year, the sexy liberal tour, and for a while,

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stephanie, it was kind of turning into the top people off the ledge to her. on sirius xm my callers were 9- 1 again president biden stepping aside and what we witnessed in the last three weeks has been fascinating. these 2008 levels of energy and enthusiasm, and it's a fascinating pick. i'm the child of a public school teacher and coach. i never allowed myself to believe that tim walz, as progressive as he's become as governor, could ever be part of the ticket. i'm thrilled by that, that she'd go for him and 70% of americans don't know him, which represents a great opportunity for our republican friends to frame a negative narrative around the guy, and they haven't been able to do it. the gang that couldn't smear straight has gone after this man, and just a week on the stolen valor, minneapolis writing, where here is a trump praising him. feminist kits in schools backfired because a lower income and who cares about girls is kind of nice anti-gay voting rights to felons. we are hearing this from people

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who are voting for a felon. fund doesn't last forever in a marriage but many successful marriages are built on it and the joy you are seeing right now might serve to compensate for all the months and months of campaigning that we are not going to see. what joe biden did was the toughest thing i've ever seen a politician do and now we found out this week he was negotiating the release of his americans with his slovenian counterpart within an hour, while he had covid. donald trump's slovenian counterpart wouldn't even show up at his new york city trial for a day. if, harris wins this will be a victory for joe biden as well. >> john just mentioned joe manchin. we talk often about democrats and this big tent party and how you think all of these people, all these different views, under one tent. but from joe manchin to aoc, we are seeing democrats across this country praise tim walz as a choice. aoc even described it as dems

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in disconcerting levels of array, obviously versus their usual disarray. do you think democrats will be able to hold this together for the next 88 days? >> i think barring unexpected, dramatic develops, i think they will be able to hold it together because a couple of things here. one, i think a lot of people, a lot of political commentators, me included, just full disclosure, me included, we didn't anticipate the intangible element of hope so if you look before kamala harris was named the nominee and joe biden was still hanging on, there was no hope. there was a pretty firm conviction by basically everyone who had any real knowledge of the fundamental dynamics of this race, that he was going to lose. and so once you go from no hope to hope, people are extraordinarily energized by that.

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there is a tangible emblem of that plus it's a short race. this is not all that long between now and the election so there's a lot of time to maintain that momentum. the other thing that again, mea culpa, i was not right about, was somebody who thought maybe the democrats should have a little mini primary. in other words, try and figure this all out at the convention. but the problem with that of course is that there is a risk of division as soon as you have more people in it and there's a lot of value in just going ahead and unifying right away. and particularly for the democrats. and the reason why i say particularly for the democrats is that they're a bigger coalition then the trump coalition and so if you're a smart democrat you know him awaits, 2016 where you won the popular vote, 2020 where you won the popular vote in the electoral college, our coalition is just bigger. so if you can keep it together, you've got a great chance to win. that's of course the challenge,

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how do you keep it together. but harris and walz have done it remarkably well so far and it's hard to see, again, barring dramatic unexpected developments, how you will see a material part of the democratic coalition peeling off. >> david mentioned it earlier and we've heard it every day. you know, tim walz might be an exciting pick but in the end, historically speaking, it doesn't matter who the vp choice is. do you think that's definitely the case at the time or could tim walz bring in that rural voter, kind of that everyman voter, people who weren't necessarily thinking about donald trump and now they'll go harris/walz, people who are just disconnected or unexpired, could tim walz change that for at least a portion of the electorate? >> more than that, they are trying to get over that big, scary morass of undecided white people and in many ways it was a safe prediction the kamala harris was trying to get her

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joe biden as barack obama did, the older white dad/coach/teacher figure. i think vp choices matter immensely. not always, but certainly reagan and bush unified the party. jfk picking lbj unified the party. we saw how much palin hurt. it was unthinkable that bill clinton would take another southern moderate democrats to run alongside him rather than someone who is different and that worked. donald trump could've picked nikki haley and unified the party. instead he went for the biggest sycophant and we are seeing house not helping him, even after that convention, after his assassination attempt, and i think we'll see, god bless tim kaine who was a great choice, man, didn't move the needle a bit. this is a really exciting team. there is something here for everyone. it's going to be hard for republicans to smear this nice fellow as the evil socialist transgender muslim monster that will come in and make your kids gay, but they'll try anyway.

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>> justina, vp harris is calling herself the underdog in this race. do you think that's the right move? should she categorize herself like that? because polls are already showing she's having an impact? >> she still has an uphill battle. the electoral math is pretty complicated and we know that republicans and statehouses across the country have been slowly chipping away at voting rights for a lot of states, so she will take this very seriously. i think the excitement, as john said, is very palpable and real but as i reminded abel consistently, excitement isn't work so we have to make sure that the people don't just get excited and not do the heavy lifting. the heavy lifting is especially for white voters, as was just engined, ensure your moms and dads and aunts and uncles and your siblings understand the existential threat. they understand why it is that you know, governor walz would provide free lunch to children,

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help them understand climate change, help them understand gun-control. there are a lot of folks who just pat themselves on the back and say i voted for the democrat but everyone else in my family voted for donald trump and they plan to do so again. i think this campaign is actually an articulation of ideas and values thus far to sort of help galvanize people to do the extra work to make sure that their loved ones understand why they should be switching over, possibly. and i've seen just early polling, it seems as though there are white women, especially with walz, and some of his wings as governor, who are really thinking more seriously, not just about reproductive justice and abortion rights, because that's not just women but men, too, especially republicans believe you could birth a human being that begins at conception. i guess that's child-support against that way as well so this is now an economic question that's coming into play. there are a lot of white women who were slowly shifting and it's really important to see

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how 1996 and 1964, those are the only two modern elections where white women voted for the democratic nominee. not in 2008 with all the excitement and hope with obama. not in 2016 with hillary clinton. so if the harris/walz ticket can get some of those white women to come over and actually work with the democrat party, that will be huge, especially with the electoral map looking the way it is. >> that is true. mary, do you think this ticket marks a turning point where we are finally moving away from older leaders, some who have been around for a long, long time, or just established ones? the last how many elections on a ticket was a biden, a bush or a clinton? could the harris/walz ticket mark this turning point of a new generation, a new brand of leaders? >> yeah, sure it could. i think you're seeing kamala harris make really interesting choices. they are unlike the choices that are being worked for but i

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think to understand, actually what i do is i look back at what trump is doing in his campaign when he was still up against biden. that campaign was a base play. he was going to get out the vote among the people who really loved him, get those people to come and bring their friends come and it looked really strong. i was at the rnc. i know you were, too. it looks really strong at the time. what's happening now, why this reset is because kamala harris is showing that she is doing a base play. now it doesn't mean one side or the other is going to win. what it means is that there's a neutralization effect where the democrats are now rising up their base and the republicans have gotten their base excited. and now we're back to talking about those people in the middle.

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and i think that's really important for understanding the next few months. in terms of whether we are turning the page to younger leaders, certainly. a lot of the older leaders who were there were already kind of showing themselves out. nancy pelosi, who helped with hakeem jeffries, who is now running the democrats in congress. so this was certainly going to happen anyway but this is a very sudden change towards that. so yes, i think that we are in a changing moment to understand what happens next, i think it's really important to think about how the race has become reset in this fundamental way. >> hakeem jeffries definitely has the gavel but i think it's safe to say nancy pelosi is still pulling a whole lot of strings. everybody is staying put. why? because it's the nightcap. when we return, harris is traveling to battleground states and holding rallies with thousands of people. donald trump spent most of the week at home, talking about rallies with thousands of

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people. we are going to find out what's going on with his campaign. and later, elon musk spreads misinformation about the election and now he's going to sit down and interview donald trump. what we expect, we're going to dig in when the nightcap continues. ap continues. treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider.

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like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable.

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daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. harris and walz can speak to thousands at campaign events. donald trump has been laying low down in mar-a-lago, holding fewer rallies than he did compared to previous campaigns. we know j.d. vance is his guy. sometimes it sounds like donald trump isn't so thrilled he picked vance but alas, they are teammates. where is donald trump? what do you think is going on with his campaign? >> i mean so you watched the press conference. he said oh, i'm giving space because the dnc is about to happen. it doesn't make a lot of sense

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to me. i don't think trump is shy from grabbing attention. i do think trump just showed up at the nab j. was that last week? it feels like 1 million years ago but he was literally laughed at in that circ*mstance. so i just don't know if he's staying away from crowds. his crowds also look very different from, harris's crowds and you can see that this week. her social team was definitely patrolling the trump campaign and showing here's what our crowd looks like, here is what your crowd looks like. it's interesting me to watch that he really feels like it's the same people from the biden campaign but it's like they've been activated in some way. now they are sending out the most kind of responsive stuff i've seen in a while but i don't know what he's doing. but it doesn't make a ton of sense to me. >> john, what do you think about that?

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joe biden and his campaign were famously tied to the michelle obama, when they go though, we go high. right now vp harris's campaign seems to be when they go low, we're going to them where it hurts. >> are we referring to couch jokes here? >> no. here's why -- hold on a minute. you know why i don't think we should even make couch jokes, and i'm serious? there are so many terrible conspiracy theories out there. pizzagate, the list goes on and on and on. this couch story, we could laugh at it and say it's funny but it's not true and since it's not true, why don't the democrats, why don't people just leave it aside? because there's tons of things that are true that are actual dumpster fire garbage material. >> exactly. exactly. if the left isn't careful, we run the risk of having that

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bursaries and lie. it's a little in joke. nobody believes it but we keep repeating it all the time. i think a lot of people are really ready to see aggressive progressives who are punching back and not standing there being pinata to republicans. a lot of people wanted to see a democratic ticket that got the fight back and that's not to say that joe biden didn't bring the fight. he certainly did but a lot of people were not just ready to have hope, they were really ready to be inspired and when you look at what tim walsh did with the word, weird, it was a particular kind of political warfare. we see what's the best way to call them fascist, to say they are like hitler. what's the best we can demonize and smear these republicans for their authority as an. i got to go to my fascist thesaurus. by just coming out and saying weird, it wasn't a low blow. it was a harmless adjective. rather than finding a euphemism for totalitarians is human tim walz just inflated them. it's casually dismissive. it's not confrontational. he makes the necessary point

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while also sidestepping negativity. so as a comedian and a guy who writes jokes about this for a living, i was so creatively inspired by the wisdom and gentility of that one little word and it certainly has stuck. >> it's tough to get triggered by weird but when you say weird, everybody knows exactly what it means and it works. david, help us understand what you think donald trump's strategy is now? because he did hold that one news conference this week. it was long, it was meandering, it was confusing. it was filled with so much nonsense and in it, donald trump almost sounded like he felt bad for president biden, like president biden was shunned and wronged his own party donald trump doesn't feel bad. he is sad that he's not running against joe biden. what do you make of that and sort of his recent moves and commentary? because it was three weeks ago you were at the rnc and donald trump was running victory laps

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on top of victory laps, and as somebody who was there, they felt like his chances were very strong. >> it felt like his chances were very strong right until we hit about minute 297 of his speech or however long we went into its where you realized, wait, wait, wait, this guy is actually quite vulnerable. here's the thing -- i think the trump campaign is a house divided. i think you have an arm of the campaign that would be willing to sort of role as an attack that is a much more statement republican attack on a more liberal democrat that would tie kamala harris to a lot of the positions she took in 2019, tried to not let her move away from some of those positions, drilled down on that, flood the airwaves, and that would be what sort of professional republican campaign would do. then along comes donald trump and he says oh, wait, she's only recently black, right? that is not strategy. that is cruel, dismissive,

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racist and i think ultimately quite ineffective as a campaigning strategy. his press conference, if you actually watched it, all of a sudden you're going to say, wait a minute, the person that has the age problem now is donald trump and going back to sort of the question about his campaign schedule, he's now the oldest major party nominee in the united states. he's a human being. he's not going to be able to have the same kind of energy that he even had 4 or 8 years ago. i think the trump campaign right now is really divided. you have a professional cohort that has a playbook dealing with a more left-leaning democrat. the playbook is known . then you have donald trump, if he doesn't see immediate results, if he doesn't see that he's immediately bouncing back in the polls, will just do his own thing. he will become a free agent because he believes he knows better than anyone, and i think

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if harris stays up in the polls, expect to see trump himself careening from tactic to tactic to try to adjust the momentum of the race. >> justina, i want to say on this ineffective strategy because yes, it was a surprise a few weeks ago but it happened and it was almost -- it's been almost 3 weeks since president biden said he was not going to run and endorsed vp harris yet donald trump is supposed to be totally thrown by it. he cannot figure out how to run a campaign against harris. david said it. what was it last week 2 i only just learned she's black. it's stupid, it's racist and it doesn't even work. who cares? >> no it doesn't. he's failing because as david just mentioned, he doesn't have professional people around him that he's listening to. he's got family members and

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sycophants who don't really know how to run campaigns. if we think back to 2004 with john kerry, how effective republicans were, discrediting his military service, making him seem aloof and coulis and sort of out of touch with all americans. the way the system had been was the work of professionals. donald trump had the strategy. the strategy was i'm just going to say joe biden is old and i can just go and essentially put it on cruise control. we can't. we also know that he's not accustomed to dealing with strong women. we saw him slightly unraveled with nikki haley and we are definitely seeing with kamala harris, the comments about when he went to nab j, the national association of black journalists, and said in a group, in front of black people, she's just now black and she was indian. first of all, most people in that room that no, harris or know of, harris for quite some time, they know that that's false. j.d. vance, his wife is indian so if you're going to attack the largest, fastest growing number of people in this country are biracial.

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they claim more than one race or ethnicity so j.d. vance is sort of trying to stand up for his family but really standing up for donald trump and his racism. you have most of his surrogates who are black men are married to white women and have biracial children so they are sort of fumbling so no one really knows how to deal with the shifting winds of donald trump because he doesn't know. he's literally a child just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what will stick so we'll see it. we are not buying for one minute, i'm going to let the democrats have their dnc because that's the right thing to do. we never see donald trump step out of the limelight. the problem is he just doesn't really know what to say. >> it has been widely reported donald trump does have a stronger campaign team this year, stronger leaders running the campaign, much more disciplined team. the problem is their candidate isn't disciplined and he doesn't listen to them. everybody is staying here. when we come back, elon musk.

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he has embraced donald trump. what's the big issue? he's regularly spreading false election information online, information that will impact people's ability to register to vote. should we be more worried about musk interfering with the election then we are foreign governments? i'm going to give you a hint, most likely yes, when the 11th hour and the nightcap continues. continues. a volkswagen at the savvy vw summer sales event. 2024 volkswagen models cost less to maintain than honda. get 1.9% apr financing or a $2500 customer bonus on a new 2024 tiguan. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,

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donald trump says he will sit down for the interview on monday with tech billionaire elon musk. musk, one of the richest men in the world, has enthusiastically endorsed trump and even created a political action committee to support him, one now being investigated in some states. john, i want to turn to you first. we know how influential elon musk is. he is now regularly spreading false information about the election, about vp harris. how concerned should we be of his influence and his potential impact? >> we should be terrified because we remember robber barons with this kind of power before. oligarchs are going to oligarch elon musk does not want a white house that collects taxes from billionaire tax cheats. he doesn't want a white house that respects women. elon is a millionaire at birth

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and right-wing activists who is like a bond villain whose secret plan is he wants to be joe rogan when he grows up and he's more than willing to send out all these lies, all this information, just to get more dude bro points with a certain sliver of the population. i don't really see how this man's craven need to be popular and liked, much like trump's, can end well for any of us but it's kind of terrifying. i don't think in this day and age we can have these kind of bond villains who are able to lie, and it used to be with people, middle-class people blame poor people. elon has just taken the media out of the way and he has no middleman. he's directly feeding disinformation to the masses. i hope that someone figures out how this can be contained. >> david, what do you think about the musk effect? >> you know i'm honestly not as worried about it. i think that the campaign that is most online is the campaign

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that's going to lose, especially if the most online campaign is online right because the online right, which j.d. vance is a product of, is, to use that word, extremely weird. elon musk's political views are extremely bizarre. his conspiracy theories are transparently laughable and so i think the more that trump goes into that world, the more he's going to leave behind the world of people who touch grass, who live in the real world, and it's very interesting. in 2020 in the democratic primary, a lot of candidates were quite online and there was this study done by nate cohen in the new york times and he showed that only about one third of democrats were really online. only about one third were really getting their news and information from social media, and they tended to be more progressive, whiter than the two thirds who were more diverse and a little bit more moderate. and guess what -- that two

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thirds made their feelings felt in the democratic primary. when joe biden wins, he wins the election. now it's the republicans who are very, very online, and republican online world is strange. and the more that is projected as what it means to be a republican, the more offputting that is to your swing voter suburbanites who quite frankly don't follow any of this nonsense on twitter. and so i think the more republicans double down on the online world, the worse off they are going to be. >> mary, what do you think? do you think elon musk's conspiracy theories are to david's point, transparently laughable? because he's got a lot of people who think he's pretty super fantastic. >> yeah, i guess i'm kind of in between because i see what david is saying. like my first thought when i heard oh, donald trump and elon musk are doing an interview, was don't we all remember how this ended last time when ron desantis launched his campaign

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with elon musk and it was a complete fiasco? so i think that what david is saying here is real. that's totally, totally real. that said, he does have his hands on the control of a major mechanism of communication and we can see if we just look at what happened in the uk this week, how big of a deal it is when misinformation spreads. and so i guess i'm a little bit in between here. i think that another major question i had when i learned about this interview was like who is this for, because this is no longer a baseplate election. we're going for the middle, going to elon musk and doing this interview the way trump is, that's his play. it's like the old way of campaigning, and is this really who you want to campaign for or need to campaign for in this moment? so i think i'm a little bit in

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between on this. i'm scared by elon musk. i think he's spreading misinformation. i think that it's dangerous and i think we don't have the mechanisms of control in government. like it was a major emergency with russian disinformation, right? what do you do when the call is coming from inside the house? i don't think we know yet and that's a little scary when we are under 100 days to an election and this is going on. so that's where i stand. >> i don't know. maybe donald trump's interview with elon musk is just trump sitting down and asking will you please give me that $45 million a month that it was said you were going to give me until now and to the election and a few days later you said you wouldn't. please will you give it to me, sir? maybe that is what he's there to do, get that money. everybody is staying. when we return it is time for the mvps of the week. it was obviously a monster week. let's find out who our guests think had the biggest. new zeror gummies. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth.

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tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. okay. it is time for our night capper's mvp of the week. christina, who won the mvp for you? >> it has to be jalen brunson. if you're a knicks fan or basketball fan you'll know that jalen brunson took a big cut so he can stay with the knicks. he's been named the 36th captain in franchise history among the greats like patrick ewing. so many great videos congratulating him. when the knicks when it feels

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like america wins. there america's team in a lot of ways so we are due for a championship and i think it will be just a great season, especially as lebron is exiting and it feels like a new era of basketball. i think that just rings the city together and it brings the country to get her in some ways. i'm excited about it. >> forgive me if you're a knicks fan. david, how about you? >> i love that one, the jalen brunson shout out, that's phenomenal. but i have to say one, mid afternoon yesterday, america's standing in the world was in mortal peril and we were losing by 15 to serbia in basketball. that is intolerable until steph curry decided to do steph curry things. he planted that american flag in midcourt and won for us and now we have a chance to maintain our national honor against the french in the final, so it's got to be steph

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curry. he saved us from geopolitical disaster. >> any time steph saves the day the show is going to showcase it. mary, how about you? >> i did not know we were all doing sports -- >> we are not. >> okay, great. because my mvp is diet mountain dew and the reason why is this drink, all of a sudden this week, became the most bipartisan thing in this country since i don't know when, frankly. for those who don't remember it, j.d. vance said he would be called racist or drinking mountain dew and then it became very clear that tim walz is a huge mountain dew fan. it is the one thing we can all agree on, apparently. >> i'm going to go with a no because i am not a diet or regular mountain dew fan. it just means my kids will stay awake forever and ever. john, it's yours. >> these are all very lofty but as a fan of comedy and as a fan of observing the 50 year anniversary of nixon resigning, it was a pleasure to watch donald trump mentally check out so i'm going to say my mvp is

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the staff around trump 2024 who talked donald trump into doing that press conference at his retirement home in florida. he wouldn't give his position on the abortion referendum. he bragged he had a bigger crowd than mlk. great way to get the black vote, by the way. lied and said he never said lock her up. this was supposed to help him. this is setting his hair on fire. we're going to vote on what we want to watch for four years, a brand-new show starring harris and walz or a rerun of trump. if you vote to send harris to the white house we're going to get three courthouse miniseries with donald trump next year that we all get to binge watch. i said he's only afraid of two things, a strong woman and a strong wind and yesterday's press conference shows he is terrified of having to be in a courthouse again come january 2025. >> all right then, gang. great mvps all around. david, mary, christina and

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john, thank you also, so much for joining me tonight and thank you to everyone at home but i'm not letting you guys leave just yet because tonight i am swapping out my mvp for a must-see and you do not want to miss it when the nightcap continues.

8:56 pm

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8:58 pm

ask your doctor about farxiga.

8:59 pm

sunday night for the premier of two msnbc films. to be destroyed explores south dakota community fight against book ban and the latest installment of the turning point docuseries. that one starts at 9:00 p.m. eastern and s immediately follod by it's okay, heartwarming story following two young brothers attending first drag queen story hour. here is a sneak peek. >> how are we today, everyone? thank you, you look beautiful too. we are both in purple. do you want to play a game? if you have been to one of my story hours, you know exactly.

9:00 pm

's day you only do it if she says. do you want to practice? wait a minute, did i say, selena says? >> you can watch both documentaries starting sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. for now, i'm signing off. thank you for hanging out with us. you can catch us on saturdays at 11:00 p.m. eastern. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up all week long.

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